비즈니스 미팅 영어 표현 -1
안녕하세요 위키드 스마트입니다.
비즈니스 미팅 진행별 영어 표현공유드립니다.
run a/the meeting(s) lead a/the meeting(s) chair a/the meeting(s) A kickoff meeting
A debrief meeting
A brainstorming meeting Teleconference/videoconference
send out an agenda print out an agenda an item on the agenda
Action item
meeting attendee(s)
participant in a meeting
Arranging a Time
• I need to schedule next month’s team meeting.
• I’d like to set up a meeting for next week.
• I’m trying to arrange a meeting for some time next week.
• I want to find a time for us to meet.
• I’d like to propose (Monday May 2nd around 10am.)
• How about (Thursday afternoon at 2:00)?
• Would (Wednesday at 9:00) work for everyone?
• Here are some options...Let me know what you think.
• Which of these days and times work for you?
• Let me know which of these dates you prefer.
• Please let me know when you are available.
• When is a good time for you?
• Can you give me some times when you are free?
• Could you let me know by tomorrow if that doesn’t work for you?
• Attendees: (Name, Name...)
• Apologies/Excused: (Name)
• Approval of Minutes
• Reports
• New Business / Announcements • Action Items
Meeting Announcement Email
• Our next team meeting will be held on (Monday, May 2nd at 10:00 a.m. in the 4th floor conference room.)
• This is to remind you that the SoftPoint training will take place on (Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. in 301A.)
• This is a required meeting.
• Although attendance is optional, I hope to see most of you there. • Please read the proposal before the meeting.
• In preparation please look at last year’s financial report.
• The agenda is attached.
• I’ve attached a copy of the agenda.
• The agenda is as follows:
• The agenda is below:
• Please let me know if you want to add anything to the agenda.
We have a pretty full agenda.
• Please send apologies by the end of the week. (Outside U.S.) • Please let me know by tomorrow if you can’t attend.
• I look forward to seeing you next week.
• Please let me know if you have any questions.
• See you all tomorrow. (Informal)
Responding about an Agenda
Do we have an agenda?
I think you forgot to attach the agenda.
I would like to add an item to the agenda.
I’d like to add some time to talk about (the new store).
Can we have some time to talk about (next week’s training)?
Would we have enough time to talk about (last month’s sales report)?
Saying You Cannot Attend
I wanted to let you know that I can’t come to next week’s meeting.
Just to let you know that I can’t make it to next week’s meeting.
I’m writing to inform you that I am unable to attend next week’s meeting.
Giving Reasons
I’m going to be out of the office (on Monday).
I’m on vacation (all next week).
I have a previously scheduled appointment on that day.
I have an important/the deadline (for the website redesign) coming up.
(The reorganization of the Eastside store) is currently taking up a lot of my time.
Something has just come up. A family commitment
A personal matter
My apologies.
I’m sorry for any inconvenience.
Sorry to let you know on such short notice.
Closing Sentences
Please let me know what was decided.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing what was discussed. I look forward to reading the minutes.
I’m afraid
I’m sorry, but Unfortunately
Requesting/Informing of a Change
Would it be possible to move it to Tuesday?
Is there any chance we could push it back to the following week? Could we maybe reschedule it for later in the week? Unfortunately, we need to reschedule Monday’s team meeting.